The Ministry works with the NZ Transport Agency to provide a range of transport statistics.
Motor vehicle crashes in New Zealand
SpreadsheetFull text, tables and figures of the annual statistical statement on road crashes in New Zealand.
Crash fact sheets
These fact sheets outline useful statistical information on road safety issues, drawn from yearly motor vehicle crash data. Topics include alcohol, speed, fatigue, young drivers, motorcyclists, pedestrians and diverted attention.
Monthly overview of crash statistics
Latest monthly overview of fatal and injury crash statistics.
High risk driver statistics
Statistics showing the impact of high risk drivers.
Regional road safety reports
This link takes you to the NZ Transport Agency Regional Road Safety Issues reports for regional road safety statistics.
Social cost of road crashes and injuries
Information about the average and total social cost of road crashes and injuries occured in New Zealand.
Rail safetylevel crossing statistics
Information about rail level crossing incidents, crashes and casualties.
How crash data is collected
CAS: the Crash Analysis System
CAS is an integrated computer system that provides tools to collect, map, query and report on road crash and related data. This page on the NZ Transport Agency website includes information for those interested in accessing CAS.
Crash data collection
Information on how crash statistics are collected.