The Transport Knowledge Hub is a structure for communication between the people and agencies that generate, supply, and demand transport data, information, and research.
The Transport Knowledge Hub strives to encourage collaboration and raise awareness of related work and future opportunities or needs.
To learn more about the Transport Knowledge Hub, read page 30 of the Domain Plan
Upcoming event
A seminar about the Economic impact of the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake is being held on Thursday 30 March from 3pm to 4:30pm at the offices of the NZ Productivity Comission, Level 15, Fujitsu Tower, 141 The Terrace.
Read the flyer on the Economic impact of the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake seminar
The Transport Knowledge Hub has three levels.
Topic hubs provide an open environment where members can share transport data, evidence, knowledge, research, information, capabilities, and ideas.
Topic hubs:
Anyone can join a topic hub.
The Decision Board communicates with the other levels of the Transport Knowledge Hub and makes decisions around priorities for transport data, information, and research.
A Cross-Agency Governance Committee provides strategic leadership.
Members represent agencies that use, invest, and contribute to transport knowledge:
- Ministry of Transport
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
- Treasury
- NZ Transport Agency
- Civil Aviation Authority
- Maritime New Zealand
- Local Government New Zealand
- Auckland Transport
- New Zealand Automobile Association (AA)
- Transportation Group of the Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ)
- Universities New Zealand
Email for more information or to join a topic hub