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Driver Licensing Review


The Driver Licensing system has been reviewed as partA review of Government’s commitment to achieve a more efficient transport regulatorythe driver licensing system underpinnedis underway. This was announced by better quality regulation.Associate Transport Minister, Craig Foss on 4 December 2014.

TheIt is a Ministry of Transport and NZ Transport Agency targeted review found that the Driver Licensing system’s core policies are sound but there are areas of opportunity where improvements in the driver licensing system.

The driver licensing system itself is sound but there are opportunities to make it more efficient, easier for customers to access and navigate, and more resilient to change.

Read Associate Transport Minister Craig Foss’ media release announcing the review on the Beehive website 

Background information

New Zealand’s current driver licensing system could produce measurable social, safety,was developed during the 1990s and economic benefits.put in place in 1999.

A discussion paper providing optionsDriver licensing legislation comprises:

  • Provisions in the Land Transport Act 1998: these set out the need for changingdrivers to be licensed; the Driver Licensingneed a photo driver licence, and various offences and obligations (such as the need for a driver to produce their licence on demand to Police). View the Act on the Government's Legislation website
  • The Land Transport (Driver Licensing) Rule was released on 19 April 2016.

    1999: this sets out the detail around obtaining and renewing a driver’s licence; testing requirements; the graduated driver licensing system, and defines the various types of licence classes and endorsements. View the Rule on the Government's Legislation website 

  • The Review covers:Land Transport (Driver Licensing and Driver Testing Fees) Regulations 1999: this prescribes driver licensing and driver testing fees. View these regulations on the Government's Legislation website

What are the review’s goals and objectives?

The driver licensing review will deliver benefits to New Zealand by establishing a regulatory system that enables:

  • An improved customer experience;
  • A reduced compliance burden;
  • Improved compliance with driver licensing requirements.

Any changes recommended by the review will maintain or improve road safety outcomes.

- Moving to a digital licensing environment
- Supporting a more productive commercial driving sector
- Standardising regulatory requirements and reducing compliance costs for endorsement holders

Submissions on these proposals are open until Thursday, 2 June 2016 . An online submission form is available, or submissions can be emailed to dlr@transport.govt.nz with "DLR Submission" in the subject line.

Written submissions can also be posted to:

Ministry of Transport
Driver Licensing Review Submissions
PO Box 3175
Wellington 6140

Additional information to assist in your submission:

  • Link to the Driver Licensing Rule
  • The preliminary Cost Benefit Analysis will be available soon
  • The Literature Review of Heavy Vehicle Driver Licensing will be available soon
  • The eye sight risk study will be available soon

Readers of this material should note the Ministry’s copyright and disclaimer provisions at the following link - http://www.transport.govt.nz/copyright-and-disclaimer/


The review will:

  • Update the driver licensing legislative framework in a manner that reflects good practice regulatory principles
  • Address particular regulatory policy settings that are no longer fit for purpose
  • Review the third party fees legislative framework to determine what level of regulation is required and what approach should be taken to cost recovery.

What will be done?

The review’s primary focus is to provide a robust and better quality regulation. This will clarify, simplify and where possible reduce compliance requirements and transactions.

A secondary focus is to address a number of minor provisions that may no longer be fit for purpose.

Any changes arising from the review may have to be made by changes to the Land Transport Act, the Land Transport (Driver Licensing) Rule and, possibly, consequential amendment to the Fees’ regulations.


To manage this review, a phased approach is being adopted. The current phase involves the development of policy leading to recommendations to the Government on the future shape of the driver licensing system. The next phase will involve progressing the policy decisions through the appropriate legislation – a Land Transport Amendment Bill, and separate amendments to the Rule and Regulation. More detailed timing for the next phase will be finalised in eary 2016, but it is expected that the final implementation of the review’s changes will occur late 2016, or early 2017.

Further questions

If you would like to know more about the driver licensing review  you can read the questions and answers on the driver licensing system review , or contact the project team at dlr@transport.govt.nz

You can find out more about the current driver licence system on the NZ Transport Agency website 

Other work on driver licensing

Review of driver licensing and driver testing fees

In 2009 and 2010, the Ministry of Transport led work on a review of driver licensing and driver testing fees. Read about the work on the NZ Transport Agency's website

Read the Driver Licensing and Driver Testing Fees Cabinet Paper

Time limits for holding learner and restricted licences

Time limits for holding learner and restricted licences came into force on 1 December 2014. Read more on our website

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