The Ministry of Transport initially consulted with stakeholders in April 2015 and received 11 submissions.
Government asked Ministers to consider further public consultation in November 2015. Ministers decided to release a consultation document, and 76 submissions were received from 14 December 2015 to 12 February 2016.
Submissions from both rounds of consultation are now available below, as well as the Summary and Analysis of Submissions from the February 2016 consultation. Some information has been withheld under the Official Information Act 1982.
April 2015
- Blue Star Taxis
- Cabchooze
- Chariot
- Crown Cars
- Driving You
- Masterton Radio Texas
- SuperShuttle
- Tapp
- Uber
- Zoomy
February 2016
View the Summary and Analysis of Submissions
Download the spreadsheet containing online submissions
- Appellation Central Wine Tours
- Auckland Transport
- Blind Citizens NZ
- Blind Foundation
- Bus and Coach Association
- CCS Disability
- Chariot
- Christchurch City Council
- Clive Lansink
- Corporate Cabs
- Douglas Pink MBIE
- Environment Canterbury
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Hawkes Bay Regional Council
- Horizons Regional Council
- Kevin Gudmunudsson
- Lindsay Ferguson
- Mary Schnackenberg
- Northland Regional Council
- NZ Taxi Cabs
- NZ Taxi Federation
- Office of the Ombudsman
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner
- Opus
- Otago Regional Council
- Paul Brown
- Sapphire Cars Ltd.
- Southern Lakes Limousines Taxis
- Stephen Wickens Passrite
- Taranaki Regional Council
- Tourism Industry Association NZ
- Uber
- Waikato Regional Council
- Wayne Branks
- Wellington City Council