Background and general information about the review
Read question and answers on the small passenger services review consultation
Read questions and answers on the review
May 2016
Release of submissions
The Ministry of Transport initially consulted with stakeholders on the Small Passenger Services Review in April 2015.
Further consultation took place when the Ministry released a consultation paper on 14 December 2015.
Public submissionsSubmissions on the reviewReview are now available, as well as the Summary and Analysis of Submissions from the February 2016 consultation.available.
Find out more, and access the submissions
Regulating app-based ride and taxi services report
The International Transport Forum has released a report looking at principles for regulating app-based ride and taxi services.
The paper highlights four policy insights, recommending that governments:
- Keep the regulation framework of for-hire passenger transport services as simple and uniform as possible
- Encourage innovative and more flexible regulation of for-hire transport services
- Focus policy regarding for-hire passenger transport on the needs of consumers and society
- Embrace data-led regulation to improve societal outcomes
- Read the report App-Based Ride and Taxi Services - Principles for Regulation
- Read the Associate Transport Minister's media release
April 2016
The Government is changing the rules for small passenger services. Under the changes the same rules will apply to all services that connect passengers with customers (including taxi, private hire, ridesharing, and dial a driver services).
Some rules that impose costs on operators but which no longer provide significant benefits will be removed.
This will allow all operators to compete on an even footing and to differentiate from competitors as part of their brand on aspects such as cost, service, environmental footprint and philosophy.
Consumers will have a range of services to choose from, and can be confident that they can use these services safely. Drivers will also feel safe in their places of work.
The changes simplify rules, while maintaining a focus on safety for passengers, drivers, and vehicles.
- Read questions and answers about the Government’s decisions
- Read the Transport Ministers' media release announcing the decisions
February 2016
Submissions to the review closed on 12 February 2016. Officials are considering all of the submissions and finalising policy advice to Government on the review’s outcomes. The Ministry will provide Government with advice on the review in the near future.
14 December 2015
In July 2015 the small passenger services review team delivered advice to Hon Craig Foss, Associate Minister of Transport. Officials have since provided advice to both Ministers of Transport on options for a future regime. Before making any changes, Ministers want to undertake further consultation on the review’s proposals for the future.
Release of consultation paper
The Ministers of Transport decided that before making any decisions on the future of the small passenger services sector, public consultation should take place. The Ministry of Transport released a consultation paper in the week beginning 14 December 2015.
The Ministry of Transport would like to thank all those who submitted their views on the future of the small passenger services sector.
Submissions closed at 5pm Friday 12 February 2016.
- Download the consultation paper
- Read the Transport Ministers' media release announcing the consultation
31 March 2015
The small passenger service (SPS) review is underway. The Ministry of Transport has begun working with the NZ Transport Agency and the Police to review the SPS sector.
Progress on policy development
We are working on identifying what outcomes the Government is looking from the SPS sector. We are also considering how, and why, the Government might intervene to ensure SPSs can operate in a dynamic market and that passengers have confidence that they can use SPS services safety.
We are also sourcing data and research to inform our views and to support potential options.
Engagement with stakeholders
We are setting up engagement sessions with a range of stakeholders from the sector including:
- taxi industry
- private hire industry
- public/passengers representative groups
- government stakeholders
- technology service providers.
The first of these sessions will be held in late March/early April and provides an opportunity for the Ministry to hear the sector’s perspective on the key issues with the current regulatory framework. We are also listening to what aspects of the SPSV sector the industry thinks are most important for the future.
The second session will be held in May and will allow the Ministry to discuss its thinking around the issues and the future for the SPS sector, as well as present some potential options. This session will provide an opportunity for the sector to provide feedback on the potential options.
Anyone can contact the review team directly on
26 February 2015
A review of transport licensing law applying to small passenger service vehicles (SPS) is underway, as announced by Associate Transport Minister, Craig Foss on 20 January 2015.
Read the Minister’s announcement on the Beehive website
The Ministry of Transport is leading the review, working with the NZ Transport Agency and the New Zealand Police .
The review will consider the regulatory framework for SPS (such as taxis and private hire services) contained in the Land Transport Act 1998 and Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2007 .
Background to the review
The Government is a strong supporter of innovations that enable all New Zealanders and businesses in New Zealand, traditional or otherwise, to enjoy the benefits of new technology. The review is to ensure that New Zealand’s regulatory environment for SPSs continues to be fit for purpose and flexible enough to accommodate new technologies.
There are a range of taxi companies and hire car services operating in New Zealand that provide or use smartphone booking apps. These apps are broadly compatible with the current law, provided there is a clear distinction between a taxi and a private hire service.
What aspects of the SPS regulatory regime will the review consider?
The review will consider transport licensing requirements applying to taxis, shuttles, private hire vehicles, and dial-a-driver services.
It will not consider rental cars, freight, buses, driver licensing, vehicle recovery services, work time and log-books as these are not related to small passenger services, or else, as in the case of logbooks, already take into account new technologies.
What is the review’s objective?
The review aims to:
- ensure the cost-effective and efficient regulation of the SPS industry
- ensure the regulations are future proofed and allow for development in technology
- provide a regulatory framework for a SPSV industry that delivers benefits for consumers and New Zealand
What are the timeframes for the review?
The review will be completed by mid 2015, with advice provided to the Associate Transport Minister.
If the review concludes that changes to the current system are needed, and Government agrees, the review will consist of amendments to legislation. Any proposed changes to the Land Transport Act 1998 and Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2007 will involve a public consultation process. This may occur later in 2015.
Further information
If you would like to know more about the SPS review, you can read the questions and answers on the SPS review , or contact the project team at .